3rd Party Security Assurance

We are trained and Certified Third Party Risk Professional (CTPRP).
That is by Shared Assessment Organization.

3rd Party Security Assurance

The most overlooked threat vector by organizations

Third-party vendors are a growing source of cyber security breaches. And the size of these violations is growing. These breaches happen because organizations are lax in vendor security.

– Organizations overlook the threat vector imposed by their vendors. They are inattentive to the application of proper security controls.
– Organizations misunderstand the full scope of their system boundaries. They don’t know the required protections for service providers.

Organizations must ensure vendors and service providers are handling sensitive data securely. Vendors and providers need to follow the organization’s security standards and policies.

We are trained and Certified Third Party Risk Professional (CTPRP). That is by the Shared Assessment Organization. We will develop and put in place a comprehensive Vendor Risk Management Program. That will be a significant part of the organization’s security governance. And it will mitigate security risks caused by vendors.

The program includes the following oversight components:

– Program governance
– The setting of policies, standards, and procedures
– Contract security review
– Vendor risk identification and analysis
– Creation of company security tools. Along with metrics to measure and analyze ongoing company vendor management
– Continuous and ongoing monitoring and review of company vendor management efficiencies

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