We firmly believe in and stand behind our products 100%, but we understand that it cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time. MDL Technology offers a 5-day money-back guarantee in which any of our customer can cancel his/her order within 5 days from the date of purchase and avail 100% refund. Before seeking the refund, the customer should have erased/removed the product from their domain and should confirm it with mail-in attached document to us.

A couple of small points:

  • We will process your refund as soon as we’re able to. Before a refund will be granted, you must allow us to try and help solve any problem you have by opening a support ticket.
  • Refunds may only be issued within 5 days of the purchase date. After 5 days no refunds can be processed.
  • Refunds will not be granted if you simply decide not to use the purchased products.
  • Issues caused by 3rd party plugins, themes, or other software will not provide grounds for a refund.
  • Refunds do not apply to product bundles.

To submit a refund request, please contact us via the contact form here.


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